Well the day has arrived! I am on my way to move furniture, sweep my studio and take care of last minute touches! Teaching and motherhood have greatly influenced my time management skills so actually I have been "ready" for several days and have gotten to relax, walk and do a bit of shopping. There were no end of "semester" all nighters for this "mature" artist but I did enjoy watching my young colleagues bond and work with oneanother late into the evening/morning:)
I am confident in what I produced, what I accomplished and the lessons I have learned. Throughout the day, if time allows, I'll post the exhibit preparations and works of friends. If not, I'll be certain to provide images and other artist's links, after the show.
I'll see many familiar faces in NYC this evening! I am excited but have forewarned my serious artist friends to be kind in their criticisms:) I'm sure they will fill be in later as to their experience of my work at SVA. It's all good! Peace and love 617! :)
Tonight! School of Visual Arts...21st Street...NYC...6-9 pm....4th Floor. Hope to see you there!
Congratulations! Enjoy the fruits of your hard work and dedication. JDR