Perhaps the greatest moment of my evening was seeing my son Robert who I had only spoken with almost daily throughout my five week stay during my residency. I will post other images and reflections from the evening but my children have been gracious enough to allow me this time and acknowledging them is of the utmost importance for me. Christina, my 19 year old daughter,is currently in Virginia and was unable to attend. She did visit my studio, early in my stay, and is always present as she is my muse and her image is often included in my work.
I believe the greatest gift I can give to my children is my own success and independence as I become who I am meant to be. They are much the same. I wish for them to discover their purpose and their passion and to live as independent and mindful individuals in this vast world.
So to my son Robert, who makes my heart sing, who makes me laugh and who upon seeing me called me "Jubraseph" and "Joey": I love you and want to thank you and Daddy for sharing in my special evening.You and Tia inspire me and make me know and feel "true" love.
May you always find beauty in the world around you, even if it means leaving to do so. I am always with you. Love, Jubraseph 0x0x0
Nice to see these images, now it's time to go home. Relax, accept and beware of the possible letdown after your flight. Love. JDR