As an artist, inspiration comes from a variety of sources.I am an "emotional" painter. I paint what I love and how I feel. I translate emotions, stories and dreams into imagery.I never seem to successfully convey all that I imagine or experience, but I continue to try.
There are times when I am overwhelmed by the grit and grind of daily life ,both personal and professional, and I look to my art to find solace and focus. The comfort and challenge of the process of painting is much like meditation and allows me to disconnect from my thoughts. As of late, even painting fails to ease my mind. Fortunately,each day presents new opportunities and time passes without regard for our wasted moments ,mental wages and woes.
Occasionally, unexpected inspiration, a muse if you will, appears and redirects my attention once again, to my greatest purpose: my art. Deborah Darling, an England based doll maker and merchant, discovered my work online. I was immediately enchanted by her unique beauty and creative vision.There was no option other than to paint for her. I am currently working on a series, that celebrates the wonder and whimsy of this kindred spirit, Deborah Darling: Maker of Dolls and Dreams.
Deborah reminded me that I have a responsibility to myself as an artist to continue to create. When I paint, I find strength and see beauty. I find peace. I find me.
"One expected growth, change; without it, the world was less, the well of inspiration dried up, the muses fled.” ~Charles de Lint Kenneth Hildebrand
"Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes; lesser ones exist on wishes and inclinations."
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. ~ Goethe